Tag: Books I Want to Read

There are so many books out there that I haven’t read, so when I was nominated for this tag by the lovely Laura (over at Roachie’s Reviews, which is excellent!) I naturally got very excited and settled down to make a cup of tea- and draw up a list.

Time to whittle down my TBR to some hard specifics! (Gulp)

The Rules

  • Link back to the original tag
  • Complete the questions with books you want to have read but don’t want to read
  • Tag some people at the end to do the tag next.

Let’s go!

Conversations with FriendsQuestion One: A book you feel you need to read because everybody’s talking about it

I think I’m going to have to go for Sally Rooney’s Conversations with Friends. I’m a bit of a sheep when it comes to reading- I hate being left out, which was the reason I impulse-bought Tangerine a few weeks ago. The same applies to this: nominated for a zillion awards, and basically raved about on all the newspapers and also on Twitter, this looks like a shoo-in. Whether I’ll enjoy it, though…


 Question Two: A book that’s really long

The only answer for this is Priory of the Orange Tree, surely? It looks amazing, and I’m definitely dying to get stuck in, but this is a doorstopper of a book, clocking in at a whopping 848 pages. Is that longer than Order of the Phoenix?! Long story short: I’ll save this one for my holiday in a few weeks’ time.


Question Three: A book you’ve had on your bookshelf or TBR list for far too long

Oh, man, so many. I wrote a recent post about the ‘forgotten TBR‘ so I’m going to pull one from this and say Darksoul by Anna Stephens. I picked it up ages ago simply dying to get stuck in. Then I shelved it. Then I forgot about it. Hopefully including it here will generate enough shame that I actually pick it up soon!

To Kill a Mockingbird

Question Four: A book that is ‘required reading’ (e.g. a school text or popular classic – something you feel obligated to read)

To Kill a Mockingbird, definitely. People always stare at me when I say I’ve never read it, and then I always blush a little. How can an English Lit graduate and bookworm never have picked up this classic? Who knows, but I’m aiming to finish it some point before the end of the year!

The Selected Works

Question Five: A book that intimidates you

I’m going to give the prize for this one to The Selected Works of Abdullah the Cossack. I requested it on Netgalley on a whim, and when I actually was accepted to read it, it came as somewhat of a shock. The blurb looks extremely high-brow, and I’m a little bit scared to start it. But, hey: I’m also fairly certain that it’s about a hundred times more cultured than what I usually read, so points for that?


Question Six: A book you think may be slow

Hmm. Nothing springs immediately to mind, but let’s say Anna Burns’ Milkman. I’m trying to up my culture points and read some awards-season-y books before the Women’s Fiction Prize later on in August, and Milkman seems like an intriguing choice, tackling sexism, violence and satire in the Troubles. However, I’m also a tiny bit wary: awards-nominated books sometimes can be s-l-o-o-o-w.

The flatshare

Question Seven: A book that you need to be in the right mood for

I mean, mostly romance novels, so I’m going to say The Flatshare by Beth Leary. However, this is something that I want to stress could be replaced by most romance books. It’s not that I hate the genre- far from it!- but I also need to be in the right relaxed, weekend-y frame of mind to start on one.

The Wych Elm

Question Eight: A book you’re unsure you’ll like

I’ll give the prize for this one to Tana French’s The Wych Elm- with a bit of a cheat. It’s all about the buried history of a certain family, but my cheat is that I’ve actually already started reading, and I’m currently a bit unsure as to whether I like the book, and whether I’ll like the ending. It looks like it’s going to end badly. (Subtle plug: tune in next week to find out if it does!)

That’s my list!

Let’s tag a few people:

Hannah’s Bookshelf

The Artsy Reader

Emma’s Book Blog

There’s Something about KM

Bookish Heights


What about you, dear reader? What books are on your TBR list? Leave a comment and let’s start a discussion!


15 thoughts on “Tag: Books I Want to Read

  1. The Prior of the Orange Tree… like OMG! I have seen that on Instagram so many times! and It is indeed huge! LIke the bible! haha I have heard is really good so I hope you get to read it and maybe hit a burglar with it… XD that will be quite a hit haha


  2. Stephanie

    I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts on Mockingbird. I read it when I was 10, when I was 15, sometime in my 20’s, and then again in my mid-30’s. It’s one of those books that you take away different things at different ages (I find Gatsby to be that way as well), so each time, I came away with different understandings of the characters, the different nuances of the stories, and maybe something new about myself as well. Happy reading! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This was so fun to read! I’m the same as you, I’ve seen the movie ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ so many times and also studied it a little in school, but for some stupid reason I’ve never read the book! I’ve recently been going back and reading all the ‘classics’ that I haven’t read, so I’m sure I’ll get around to it at some point!


  4. Pingback: Books I Want to Read Tag ⋆ There's Something About KM

  5. Pingback: Books I Want to Read Tag – There's Something About KM

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