Review: The Love Letter, by Lucinda Riley

Wow, this book was quite a rollercoaster. I don't think any of it quite turned out how I was expecting it to- and for somebody who reads around a book a day, that was quite something! With twists, turns, unexpected deaths, and revelations, this kept me hooked, gasping and sometimes rolling my eyes. Everything in …

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Review: To Kill a Kingdom, by Alexandra Christo

I was never a huge fan of The Little Mermaid when I was growing up: Ariel was too idealistic, and Prince Eric a little dim (but handsome!) for my tastes. Turned out, all I needed to make myself for in love with the story was to make Ariel a prince-killing siren with a heart, and …

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Review: Sal, by Mick Kitson

There’s a long tradition of precocious children surviving in the wilderness. From Peter Pan- at a stretch- to Gary Paulsen’s Hatchet novel, I’ve always found them a fascinating read: how would these children survive in a hostile wilderness without any help at all from the adult world? And Sal ties into that tradition: I found …

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Review: The Cruel Prince, by Holly Black

Another book from faerie queen Holly Black- the first in a series- and she definitely delivers, with an exciting YA book with a heroine that kicks serious ass, who I absolutely love. I’ve not been this excited about a YA book for a while! The Cruel Prince serves up romance, nastiness, fairies, family drama and …

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